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🚀Adapting Advertising Strategies for the Growing Podcast Audience


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Image: Edison Research

Podcast listeners are becoming not more just part of their days, according to data from Edison Research Share of Ear®.

The Revelations:

  • The study, which includes respondents who keep a detailed one-day-diary of their audio listening, demonstrates that for plurality of their audio usage time, that time is 34% of daily audio time spent with podcasting.

  • Podcasting comprises 34% of daily audio listening. AM/FM radio and radio streams follow at 21%. Music streaming at 17%.

  • Those numbers are indicative of the fact that consumers are getting hooked on the compelling and educational content of podcasts, spending more time delving into what is becoming an exploding medium,

The Data:

Share of Ear® is a quarterly survey that quantifies daily American listening across all platforms and devices. Measuring what is being listened to, for how long, when during the day, where and how are the activities conducted—headphones, speakers or device —has become crucial for a broad range of industries including those with a stake in content, time allocation, location-based marketing, and technology development.

Why it matters:

As the media landscape grows increasingly fragmented, an understanding of why podcasting is taking hold should be increasingly front-of-mind for media companies and advertisers if they hope to resonate with an audience. Businesses and marketers also will need to adjust their strategies to reach users in this medium as podcast consumption continues to grow.

Our Take:

Being a podcast producer, it is our effort to provide large but quality work in grabbing the attention of the listeners in the market. I believe that with the practice of innovation and adaptation to the changing preferences of our audience, we can build more listeners over time and stand in the podcasting industry.


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