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Are You Making Every Minute Count?

A cataract operation reminded me of a lesson in priorities.

Everyone in the family received a text message from a hospital medical staff on a Sunday night.

The message informed us that Mama was scheduled for her right eye operation to remove a cataract three days later. 

Wow, just wow.

This unexpected news took us by surprise. Usually, the doctor gives the operation date during a check-up. However, this time, Mama was asked to provide our mobile numbers and wait for the hospital's text message.

I’m known to rant, yet we had no choice but to follow instructions. Mama had been waiting for this operation for one and a half years. 

She had been going back and forth to a public hospital’s ophthalmology center for a year. Then, for an additional six months, she received no communication or updates, only to find out that the previous doctor handling her case had left without doing a proper turnover.

Given the suddenness of the schedule, I decided to accompany her to her operation. Even though it was an outpatient procedure, it still meant a significant disruption. 

My mind raced with thoughts of the work already laid out in my planner—tasks for clients and personal projects. I realized I needed to work double time in the days leading up to the operation to ensure I could take the whole day off.

Moreover, I had to consider the post-operative procedures I needed to assist Mama with. The thought of taking time away from work for her operation was overwhelming. 

Then I remembered that working from home as a social media marketing strategist was one of the reasons I chose this job. If my family needs me, I can be there for them as soon as possible. For a decade now, I have been experiencing this flexibility. 

Yes, time is luxury for most of us. As much as I can, I never take this luxury for granted.

I gained clarity and stopped worrying about work. I talked to my clients and focused on what was important. 

I managed to survive the week, balancing work and family responsibilities.

The operation on Mama's right eye was a success. Her right eye’s vision significantly improved the moment the operation was done. She told us that she cried during Sunday's Mass because she could see people's faces from afar and read the lyrics on the projector screen. 

And the post-operative procedure? It involved two eye drops at scheduled times during the day, which she could manage with occasional reminders. I also helped her wash her hair for a week.

This experience reminded me that we all have the same 24 hours a day. It’s essential to make every minute count, prioritizing what truly matters. 

There would be times when you can’t make the time. I have had moments in my life where I wished I could have chosen to spend time with the people who matter to me the most. I won’t be able to take back the time, but I always remind myself not to miss upcoming moments again.

And as challenging as it may be, it’s always worth it.

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