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How A Buffet-slash-Mastermind Can Turn Your Life Around

Here’s how a buffet with my friends turned into a powerful mastermind meeting.

I wrote this post last night, challenging the column deadline for Podwires for the second time. There’s a good reason for that.

I braved potential weekday traffic to attend a mastermind meeting. Fortunately, the end-of-month traffic wasn’t that bad, and traveling mid-morning meant fewer cars on the road.

To be honest, I really went to eat at a buffet with friends. 

Yet, I considered it a mastermind.

The friends I was with are just a few of the relationships I’ve cultivated since I decided to work from home as a virtual professional. We all started with the same dream: working from home, serving clients, and avoiding weekday traffic - except when we meet.

Fast-forward to today, we are on different paths—one is the founder of a forest school, a franchised business owner and homeschooling mom, one is a project manager, and another is a digital agency owner. 

We continue to bond because we love learning from each other. That’s why I call it a mastermind.

Pardon my memory, but I can’t remember the first time I attended a mastermind. It all started with a seminar where the word “mastermind” was introduced. It’s one of the concepts I discovered when I realized online work was a possibility for me.

Attending masterminds has been one of the most important things I’ve done since becoming the captain of my own ship.

Here are three reasons why joining masterminds is essential:

1. Expanding Your Network

Masterminds allowed me to meet new people with new stories. Most of the time, you’ll find common goals with these people. Each person’s journey to their goals is unique, and the connections you make in masterminds can become lifelong friendships, just like what happened to me.

2. Embracing Vulnerability and Seeking Help

In a mastermind, you can ask for help and offer help. Nothing will happen if you don’t speak up. Being vulnerable and acknowledging that you need help is powerful, and masterminds provide a supportive environment to do just that.

3. Powerful Accountability

The accountability in a mastermind is powerful because other people know what you want to achieve. If nothing else can motivate you to achieve your goals, then sign up for a mastermind to push yourself. The collective energy and encouragement from the group can be a significant driving force.

Getting Started with Masterminds

You can start by attending free mastermind sessions to get acquainted. Later on, consider joining paid masterminds, as the people you meet can provide more valuable insights.

I have gained a lot from participating in mastermind groups. Every time I launched something in the past—whether it was a $7 offer, a book, or a course—a group of people always checked on me. They ensured that what I was doing was aligned with my ultimate goals. Sometimes, they advised me to slow down, which was frustrating, but I was thankful for their guidance.

Even though my friends-cum-mastermind members and I are on different paths now, I realize I’m learning more from their experiences. These insights help us think about how we could apply new ideas in our businesses.

At one point during our meeting, I found myself not talking, just looking at everyone at the table. It felt nostalgic that we weren’t discussing the same concerns anymore (you know as they say, new level, new devil). Even so, the enthusiasm to help and learn from each other was still there.

Eating at buffets is fun, but it’s even more enjoyable when your brain is charged with mastermind ideas and insights. 

Additionally, one of my mastermind friends said in her Facebook Story, “To some extent, being an entrepreneur is a lonely journey. We say it doesn’t have to be.”

Now that’s a real smorgasbord.


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