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🚀 Enhancing Podcast Advertising: Insights from Podscribe's Q2 Report


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Image : Podscribe

Podwires Overview : Podscribe just announced the Q2 Podcast Advertising Performance Benchmarks report, with some surprising results between host read vs producer read.

The Revelations :

  • Impression vs Episodic Buys: Frequency control for run-of-show, run-of-network, audience-targeted and other impression-based buying strategies can drive improved performance that can often close on episodic benchmarks.

  • As a matter of fact, host-read advertisements do 50% better than producer-read ads. But when episodically purchased, the producer-read ads bring down this gap to 24%, where host-read ads may justify commanding a premium price. It will also help control frequency when running producer-read ads to improve an advertiser's performance across their total podcast budget.

  • Performance is awful in ads containing ad stacking or frequency > 15. There's a threshold for the number of ads effective before they begin to degrade performance.

  • With iOS 17 adoption hitting 80-90%, we're very close to solving the excessive download problem on the Apple Podcast app.

Why does it matter :

The Podscribe report includes valuable insights for the podcast advertisers and creators to boost performance and ROI. It helps the advertisers to optimize ad spend and campaign performance and to make data-driven decisions regarding ad placement, targeting, and overall campaign strategy.

For creators, it will help them understand ad effectiveness, optimizing ad placements and formats, attracting advertisers, and maintaining a positive listener experience. By demonstrating an understanding of ad performance metrics, creators can position themselves as more attractive partners for advertisers. The report also ensures a continued positive experience for listeners because it prevents ad overload. All in all, the report furthers the growth and maturity of the podcast advertising industry by painting in clearer lines what works and what doesn't.

Bottom Line :

The industry of podcast advertising could optimize placements and formats with ad performance metrics and strategies. All of this culminates in a better user experience for listeners, a better experience for advertisers, and fuels growth and maturity of the space.

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