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  • Rediscover The 80s and 90s Cultural Moments That Defined Us With IN RETROSPECT

Rediscover The 80s and 90s Cultural Moments That Defined Us With IN RETROSPECT

Is there a cultural moment from your past that looks different in retrospect? Maybe it’s a scandalous tabloid story seared into your teenage brain or a political punchline that just feels wrong now.

It might be a very specific red swimsuit that inspired a decade of plastic surgery (see: “Baywatch”) or the inescapable smell of an entire generation of prepubescent boys (Axe body spray, anyone?).

Each week on IN RETROSPECT, Emmy-winning journalist Susie Banikarim and New York Times editor Jessica Bennett revisit a pop culture moment from the 80s and 90s that shaped them — to try to understand what it taught us about the world, and a woman’s place in it.

Susie Banikarim is an Emmy-winning journalist and filmmaker who has run newsrooms at VICE, Gizmodo and The Daily Beast. She is the director of the 2020 documentary, “Enemies of the People: Trump and the Political Press.” Susie began her journalism career at ABC News, where she was a producer for Diane Sawyer and George Stephanopoulos, and went on to help launch Katie Couric’s syndicated talk show. Before all that, she was a producer on Wife Swap. Susie was born in Iran but spent her teen years in California, reading Sassy Magazine, watching soap operas and listening to the Beach Boys on her Walkman. Find her at @susiebnyc.

Jessica Bennett has spent her award-winning journalism career focusing a gender lens on social issues and culture. She was the first-ever gender editor of The New York Times, where she is now a contributing editor, and is the author of two bestselling books, Feminist Fight Club: A Survival Manual for a Sexist Workplace and This Is 18: Girls’ Lives Through Girls’ Eyes. She is an adjunct professor of journalism at New York University, where she teaches a course called “Reporting the Zeitgeist.” Jessica grew up in Seattle, back when grunge was still a thing, and lives in Brooklyn, where it is currently a thing. Find her at @jessicabennett.

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