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Gen Z Drives Podcast Revolution: Why YouTube is Winning the Streaming Wars

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Image: Edison Research

YouTube, natively a video platform, becomes the most popular podcast platform as it reaches 31% of U.S. podcast listeners each week-most especially its core Gen Z audiences.

This represents a huge evolution in content consumption and a further blurring of lines between traditional audio podcasting and video content. Edison Podcast Metrics™ research positions YouTube as the preferred podcast platform at 27%+ ahead of Spotify and 15%+ ahead of Apple Podcasts, while being strongly linked to younger listeners because of the Gen Z Podcast Listener Report.

The Key Points:

  • 31% of weekly podcast listeners primarily use YouTube for podcasts

  • 84% of the monthly podcast listeners from Gen Z engage with video podcasts.

  • 49% of Gen Z listeners want to see the host's facial expressions and gestures for better context.

  • YouTube has overtaken Spotify and Apple as a leading home for podcast listeners.

  • Video podcasting will be important and is becoming increasingly important for audience engagement.

Why It Matters: This is indicative that, as YouTube actually becomes the premier podcast platform, true consumption habits are shifting, especially for younger audiences. This portends that the future of podcasting will not be just about audio but about creating multi-format experiences to give audiences choices in how they want to consume content, either via traditional audio or enhanced video formats.

Our take: It is a golden moment for podcast producers, for sure. More listeners and better listener engagement, while maintaining high-value audio, going video-first creates a huge opportunity for podcast producers like us to reach more listeners and engage them better. This will mean we can easily reach the traditional podcast listener and the growing YouTube-first audience. A dual-format approach does more than potentially opening up new monetization opportunities; it will be an assurance that our content stays relevant as the media landscape continues to shift.


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